Last updated on February 7, 2023
Vivien Roggero’s international coaching practice came to be after a trying phase in his personal life. Here Vivien shares his story of transforming pain into something beautiful and connecting. We hope you enjoy this heartfelt interview.
Coaching Focus: Vivien’s mission is to help people live the life they deserve and achieve a state of Freedom, Success, and Joy every day. He designed the One Freedom™ framework to help people learn their core Freedoms and apply that knowledge to designing their unique life.
Location: Wyoming, USA & Taiwan
Connect: You can find Vivien online at his website as well as on Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, and LinkedIn.
Tell us about your journey as a coach.
I started coaching in 2019. In 2020, I went through a life-changing experience. I lost my job, then my father, and then went through a divorce. All of that pain forced me to recreate myself and made me the coach I am today.

I vowed to dedicate my life to supporting people ready to build a better life for themselves. I am also inspired by many of the leading figures of our industry such as Jay Shetty and Tony Robbins.
What courses, programs, or certifications have you done?
- International Post Graduate Diploma in Coaching and Leadership Development awarded by OTHM Qualifications
- Life and Success Coach Certificate from Jay Shetty Certification School
- Coach Development Certificate awarded by BetterUp Certificate Coaching Foundation
- IARP Certified Reiki Master/Teacher from the International Association of Reiki Professionals
What advice or perspective might you give to a new coach trying to get their first clients? Any advice they should ignore?
Start coaching even for free. Only through practice will you know what you are designed for and how to attract the right client.
Then contact your network and ask them if they know someone that could use your help.
Any advice about spending money on tools or magic funnels is just empty words. Tools come later when you know your real needs.
Lastly, find a community of peers that will be your accountability and growth team.
What are your thoughts on “choosing a niche” as a coach?
Your niche definition will evolve, so don’t feel blocked if your niche is not 100% there.

I started with several niches to explore what I would be able to offer. Then I cut it down, and down again, until I was left with a niche that I could explain to a 4-year-old. Honestly, if you are not able to explain to a kid who you are coaching and why a client should choose you, then think deeper; try and fail until you get there.
What books have significantly influenced your life? What are your key takeaways from these books?
It’s so hard to choose just one, but Find Your Why by Simon Sinek was clearly one of them.
This and the Japanese concept of Ikigai helped me redefine who I was and why I was doing coaching. I am doing this to help people so they don’t have to go through the same pains I have had to face. And also to become a better human for my son, so he can grow into an even better human.
If you received an extra $10,000 to spend on your business, how would you spend it and why?
I would use it to meet key people in the industry and learn from them. There are no tools, no marketing tricks, and no purchases that will be as valuable as the knowledge and network of people that have been in this industry for decades.
What are some of your favorite mantras or thoughts currently?
“My thoughts are not my own. As such, I need to understand them and free myself of the unuseful, toxic ones.”
When you feel overwhelmed, stressed, or have lost your focus or motivation, what do you do?
I walk. I go outside and walk. Walking has always been a type of meditation for me.
In terms of daily rituals, I do a tea meditation every morning, some journaling in the morning and evening, and let’s not forget a nice liberating daily gratitude through prayer.

I still need to incorporate more sports into that daily practice, but I’m taking it one step at a time.
Do you have any examples of how a “failure” set you up for later success?
Failure is a path that we all have to walk. My biggest one was my first marriage.
In 2020, I started my divorce. It was a painful process, but it showed me that being myself and having healthy boundaries were vital to growth.
Since then, I have been able to rebuild a healthier version of myself and become an impactful coach.
If you could put a message on a huge billboard—getting a message out to millions—what would it say and why?
“Freedom is the ability, choice, and pursuit of consistently doing things that make you free.”
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