Last updated on November 21, 2022
As a multiple six-figure entrepreneur and business mentor for over seven years, I’m a firm believer in the power of affirmations. If you don’t affirm who you are and what you want out of life, the world will end up choosing for you by default.
Affirmations are such a simple and easy way to grow your business. But, where to begin? Well, you can start with these 5 affirmations to notice some big shifts!
1. I love getting uncomfortable, because that is where growth happens!
A few years ago, I was standing in the front entrance of my home with my carry-on luggage in hand ready to leave for the airport to fly to an event I was speaking at. I was so nervous. Even though the event wasn’t for another day, my body and mind were already going into full panic mode.
“What if the audience doesn’t like my talk?”
“What if they are bored?”
“What if I get nervous and my voice shakes?!”
In that moment I paused. I took a deep breath, and I said to myself, “I love getting uncomfortable, because that is where growth happens.”
Instantly the anxiety subsided.
I turned what felt like panic and worry into excitement and eagerness. I learned to embrace the discomfort instead of fighting against it, hoping it would magically disappear.
When we can train ourselves to embrace the seasons of discomfort, growth comes along for the ride with grace instead of pain.
Sometimes having those moments of heart racing nervousness is just what we need in order to grow.
2. I am so grateful that my business is consistently growing.
Our brains are wired to naturally focus on the negative or what’s not working versus what is—it’s called the negative bias. That’s why sometimes it can feel like you’re never quite “ahead” in your business, facing the neverending list of things you want to do and accomplish.
We need to train ourselves to focus on the good, focus on growth, and focus on more of what we want in our businesses and bank accounts.

The simple way to do this? Express gratitude for it in advance.
Praise precedes the victory, so feeling appreciative and grateful now for the growth of your business helps you focus on the good, and it helps you to reframe obstacles as stepping stones to bigger things to come.
Even in the slow seasons (or seemingly slow seasons) keep the gratitude train riding high!
Another hot tip?
Expand your definition of what growth means to you. Growth isn’t always based off of external metrics like sales targets, amount of likes, followers, etc. Growth can also be internal. Growth can be saying “no” where you normally would begrudgingly say “yes.” Growth can mean having better boundaries. Growth can mean raising your rates. You are growing every day, so make sure to take the time to notice and acknowledge it.
3. All I need is within me now to pursue my biggest dreams.
Oftentimes as entrepreneurs we get “shiny object syndrome.” We believe that we need more training, expertise, another degree, etc., before we are qualified or ready to pursue our dreams. We see the shiny new thing that everyone is doing and think that we need to do it or have it as well.
Here’s the truth: waiting to feel “ready” is simply fear in disguise.
Reminding yourself that you have everything within you now allows you to confidently move forward with the actions to make your dreams a reality. No one is asking you to be an overnight success, or the best of the best. Start with what you have and where you are, and build upon that every day. You can be sure that your dreams will start to unfold and become a reality.
4. I love selling!
If you want to make an impact, make sales!
Imagine for a moment that there is a store in your town that you love. But every time you pass by they have a “closed” sign on their door. No hours are posted anywhere, no one is returning your phone calls, and it seems like they have gone MIA.
Some of us entrepreneurs are doing that—metaphorically speaking—in our businesses. We feel like it’s sleazy or pushy to sell, so instead we hide.
You have something of value to offer your clients; however, if you shy away from selling, it makes it difficult to connect with those whom you can help. Learning to embrace sales (even if it feels uncomfortable) can become one of the most impactful shifts that you can make.

If you need help believing that you love selling, try this:
- Get out a pen and a piece of paper and set a timer for 5 minutes.
- During that time, write down all the reasons why selling feels so good to you, and how selling benefits your clients (what results do they get, how do they feel, etc?).
- If you’re having a hard time coming up with a list, ask yourself, “If I were someone who loved selling what would I believe to be true?”
After a few minutes of writing your answers to these questions, you’ll feel anchored in the belief that you really do love selling!
5. I’m proud of myself and I love myself.
It’s important to take a pause in your day to appreciate yourself. As visionaries and high-achievers, it can be easy to fall into the “not enough” trap. The affirmation “I’m proud of myself and I love myself” helps you anchor into the feeling of self love and pride in your hard work and efforts.
Try out my favorite daily habit to help you feel proud of yourself: the joy jar.
I noticed that I had a bad habit of hitting goals and then quickly disregarding them and moving on to the next goal. I wasn’t giving myself the space to feel grateful and proud of myself. I knew that something had to change, and that’s when the joy jar was born.
I bought an inexpensive jar at the Dollar Store and cut up small slips of paper that I lay next to it. Every night before I went to bed I would write down one thing that I was proud of that I did that day. It could be anything—booking a new client, making a great Instagram post, getting out for a walk, or perhaps pitching myself to a podcast. I would fold up the paper and place it in the jar.
At the end of each month, I would then open the jar and read the slips from that month. Without fail, every month that I do this there are always things I have achieved and accomplished that I would have otherwise completely forgotten. I feel so good about my progress and growth at the end of each month when I read my joy jar slips.
Put It Into Practice
Making these affirmations a part of your daily self-talk will transform your outlook and launch your business to new heights. Choose the one that most resonates with you, or download the Manifesting Meditations & Affirmations for more ideas.
Editor’s Note: Want to read more by Emily? Check out her article I Doubled My Rate and Got Booked Out. Here’s How…

Emily King
Emily King is a Money Mindset Mentor & TEDx speaker who’s been helping women entrepreneurs since 2015 create financial freedom. With an MBA, an NLP coaching certification, and a hint of “woo”, Emily has coached clients from basement start-ups to multi-millions. Get in the *know* of how her clients have done it
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